5 Ways to Accept Yourself (Without Losing Yourself)

Accepting ourselves sounds like a simple enough idea. How hard can it be? After all, this is your one wild and precious life. Surprisingly, though, many people live lives that are not true to their genuine selves. Instead, they fixate on being not just different, but other than themselves. It’s important to acknowledge that accepting […]

Gratitude: The What, Why, and How

Nowadays, it seems that everyone is cultivating a “gratitude” practice – but what do they mean by that, and does it offer any genuine benefits? To help you gain a clearer picture, here’s the ultimate guide to gratitude. What is Gratitude? In the simplest terms, gratitude is a practice during which you are actively thankful […]

What if Your Life was Over Tomorrow?

Pondering the end of your life’s journey no doubt brings forth all kinds of feelings: fear, denial, sadness, and maybe even remorse. Regardless of the emotions you may feel, you can be sure of one thing: we all will eventually leave this life. No matter what you believe about what happens once you pass, the […]

5 Famous People Who Set Goals and Worked Through Setbacks

Setting goals is a task every single person should embrace. Whether you do it every New Year or at various times throughout the year, knowing what you want in life will prevent that feeling of just floating through each day without purpose. Knowing your purpose and goals motivates you to wake up and take action […]

5 Steps to Overcome the Fear of Success

Fear of success? Most people don’t believe they fear success, but most of them would be incorrect. Our lives rarely change because we become comfortable with our situation. We might not like it, but it’s comfortable. We know what to expect. We might be unhappy, but we know we can deal with it. In a […]

6 Ways That Billionaires Think Differently Than the Rest of Us

Are billionaires unusual creatures that are born different from the rest of us? Maybe. Maybe not. It doesn’t really matter. What’s important is that billionaires have a different approach to the world that we can all learn from. People that have different results do things differently. And they do things differently because they think differently. […]

I am free of the future and the past because I live in the moment.

I focus my attention on the present moment. My life exists in this moment. The present moment is the only place I can truly experience life. The present is the only place I can change my life. Thinking about the future excessively only causes anxiety. The future is largely beyond my control. The best way […]

Abundance is About More Than Just Money

Some people equate financial success with abundance. Having enough money is a significant part of abundance, but there’s much more to it. Abundance is a mindset and a belief system. It’s a way of viewing the world, the people in it, and yourself. It’s making the decision to believe that the universe will provide, as […]

Turn Your Mistakes Into Opportunities

According to a growing body of clinical research, mistakes enrich learning if you adopt a positive mindset about your mistakes. Best of all, there are practical steps you can take to turn your errors into opportunities. Guiding Principles for Learning From Mistakes 1. Recognize that you can improve. People who understand that intelligence and skills […]