I am free of the future and the past because I live in the moment.

I focus my attention on the present moment. My life exists in this moment. The present moment is the only place I can truly experience life. The present is the only place I can change my life.

Thinking about the future excessively only causes anxiety. The future is largely beyond my control.

The best way to manage the future is to manage the present. When I take care of things today, tomorrow is easy.

Thinking about the past leads to regret. I have made mistakes, but I have also learned from them. When I put my attention on the present moment, I can avoid thinking about my regrets or the past.

Allowing my focus to wander to the past or the future leads to wasting the present. I can only impact my life in the present.

Focusing on the present frees me from the future and the past. When I am free, I am more capable and more powerful.

Today, I keep my attention on the day before me. I free myself of worry and regret because I live in the present moment.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What happens when I spend too much time thinking about the past? What do I believe I will gain from dwelling on the past?

2. What happens when I spend too much time thinking about the future? Does focusing on the future help or hurt me?

3. What would happen if I primarily focused on making the most of each day? How would this impact my life?

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