6 Ways That Show How Being Happy Is Your Choice

When most people think about happiness, they assume that it is something that happens to them. They don’t believe they can choose happiness, but it’s a choice you make every day. You can control your thoughts and emotions and decide to be happy. Here are six ways that show how happiness is a choice: ● […]

7 Easy Ways to Make Yourself Happy Each Day

Everyone wants to find happiness, but happiness is relative to everyone. Happiness for someone might mean being at peace, being with their loved ones, or pursuing or enjoying traveling around the world, trying new foods, and experiencing a new culture. Happiness is personal to everyone, but living a happier and more satisfying life is possible […]

How to Develop the Positivity of a Life Coach

Positive living can sometimes seem like a stretch, right? With everything that’s going on in your life, it’s easy to get dejected. But you can actually get beyond that and convert your frustrations into positivity. Life coaches are great examples for positivity. They seem like godsends when you’re at your lowest. And you probably wonder […]

Why Your Fear of Success is Holding You Back

Fear of success? Fear of failure is something we can all understand, but fear of success? It might sound a little funny, but many people fear success even if they don’t realize it. Success isn’t 100% positive, and there’s a part of you that understands that. Success brings attention, requests for help, and maybe even […]

The Triggers That Cause Procrastination

Studies show that various factors cause procrastination. These factors are why procrastinators may know their behaviors yet can’t change them. What are they?

How to Change Your Life: The Magic of Goals and Measure

Change is hard. We all know people who start a new diet or workout routine and fail within the first few weeks. Why is it so difficult to change our lives? The answer lies in two critical concepts: goals and measurement. Here, we will explore how these two concepts can work magic in your life […]

The Top 4 Fatal Flaws That Stop Us from Being Successful

Do any of these sound familiar? “I’ll start my diet tomorrow.” “I’ll begin my project next week.” “I’m not good enough to do this.” If you can relate to any of these, you’re not alone. Most people struggle with one or more of these fatal flaws daily. But that doesn’t mean that you have to […]

What Makes a Person a Success?

When people think of success, they typically think of those who have a lot of money, power, and fame. Although a person can have all of these things and still be unsuccessful, a person who is not wealthy, powerful, or famous can still be considered successful. For example, a person may have a successful business […]