My 10 Favorite things (Today)

One of my least favorite questions is what is…your favorite movie, book, podcast… (fill in the blank). I used to think it was because I just couldn’t recall something from years ago. I used to have a book that I knew at the time I read it that it was my favorite – but I could not tell you the story line today, except to tell you the title of the book. I wondered, “Am I the only person like this?”.

I realize that at different stages of my life, I was reading what was important. When I had children, it was books on raising healthy children and Disney movies (I still love Beauty and the Beast). I could probably still sing all those songs along with the movie. During the teenage years, it was how to survive those turbulent years.

I’ve had a variety in my career, but I always believed to invest in myself to improve my skillset. I had so many books on selling that a friend remarked she expected me to be a top salesperson. I was often, but that didn’t stop me from continuing to want to become better.
So today, in no random order, some of my favorite things:

  1. Bulletproof coffee
  2. You squared by Price Pritchard
  3. Rocketman (which I saw last weekend)
  4. Shark Tank
  5. New Zealand (beautiful scenery, everyone should visit)
  6. Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill
  7. Dirty Dancing (I can’t help this one – my mom loved this movie and played it often😊)
  8. Riding bicycles (on a flat road – not many in Georgia)
  9. Snickerdoodle ice cream
  10. Hot yoga
  11. Poppies
  12. My family

This is a picture of me today. I love that coffee in the morning, it tastes yummy and supposedly helps my brain think clearer. I love to read old and new books, being a life coach wants me to always get better for my clients. Bohemian Rhapsody was replaced by Rocketman this year, I’m sure I will have another new favorite movie this time next year. Ice cream, family and bicycles keep me grounded and happy; and everyone should have vacation spots that they want to go to. Before New Zealand, I would have said Spain (which I still think is beautiful).

You get the point, where we are in life is what we think about. What we think about brings results into our life, good and not so good. What are you thinking about today that is showing up in your life? I can’t wait to see what my new favorite things will be next year.