Can’t I Sell and Help Everyone?
If you sell a product or a service to clients, you may have hears about defining your “Ideal Client Avatar”. If you are like me – you may be resistant because you think you will miss a great client. When we start out in sales or having a slump; it’s easy to fall into the […]
One Problem – One Solution
It doesn’t get any simpler than that; you have clients with a problem, and you have a solution for them. I used to get caught up when trying to deliver value for the problems that clients were experiencing. When I started my own company, I really thought that a broad statement of who I served […]
5 Ways To Finding A Unique Value Proposition – How Do You Stand Out To Attract More Business?
The foundation for all your marketing IS your Unique Value Proposition. It will provide your customers the awareness of why they need YOU. You will place this in all marketing and repeat often for your clients to identify themselves as a great fit. It will answer “Why should I buy from you?” and give them […]